Our Services

Creative Office

We work together seamlessly with creative teams to transform commercial office space into open and creative workplaces that bring form and function together. Workspaces have been redefined, and our team brings the input to develop and build office where teams can interact and perform. Within the workplace, we develop areas of refuge for employees to congregate and collaborate, areas for focus and privacy, and open areas for shared workspace and hoteling.

Professional Office

Professional office spaces with classic finishes and function for small businesses to perform. Professional office space requires function in lighting and acoustics to provide privacy for sensitive client meetings. legal, medical office, and business services.

Technical Facility Upgrades

Our team works together in conjunction with design to develop critical business infrastructure including server room buildouts, supplemental HVAC requirements, and technical power.

Portfolio Core Improvements

Commercial office buildings require interior renovations and updates to maintain compliance for energy, lighting, and accessibility. Further, for workplaces to be effective and comfortable refuge for employees, carefully implemented site improvements and amenities become the focus for returning to office. Our team brings the fitness, outdoor space, and break and common areas into focus, creating an environment that attracts growing companies and their employees.

Science and Technology

Technical interior renovations include modifications within sensitive environments. We work to isolate the areas of construction and provide detailed and efficient process and scheduling activities to work seamlessly to integrate new space into existing. Life science, technology, and research facilities demand careful planning, control and coordination for improvements and expansions or upgrades. Our team of expert schedulers work together for accurate planning including procurement of materials and equipment.